How to Write a News Article


The news is the information about current events. It is provided through many different media: word of mouth, newspapers, magazines, radio, television, electronic communication and the internet. People seek out the news when they want to know what is happening in their world. The news can also affect their opinions, beliefs and behaviour.

A newspaper article provides a detailed account of an event or development that has happened recently and which is likely to be of interest to its readers. It may also include an analysis of the implications of that event or development. The news is typically presented in a chronological order, with the most important information first. It is often accompanied by photographs or other visual material.

An interesting and compelling story is at the heart of every successful news article. The writer must identify the key points of the story and gather a variety of sources to verify the facts. It is important to include quotes from those who have knowledge of the story. The quotes should be attributed and the writer’s name should appear in case any follow-up questions are asked.

It is essential to think about who your audience is for the article. A general news article will have a wider readership than an article that is specific to a particular community. This will determine the type of information you provide and how you present it.

When writing a news article you need to consider the five Ws: who, what, where, when and why. You must be able to answer these questions clearly and concisely.

You must also consider whether your news article is timely. If it is not, then it is not newsworthy. For example, a man wakes up, eats breakfast and takes the bus to work everyday does not make news – it is ordinary and uninteresting. However, if that same man is 90 years old and still catches the bus to work each day then this could be considered newsworthy.

Local news articles are of particular interest to many people. This is because they are of direct concern to them and because they are likely to be familiar with the people, places and events involved. However, a small story that is of interest to many people in one town may not be of interest to anyone else.

Trending stories are frequently reported on, especially if they incorporate violence and scandal, or if they polarize people or cause social upheaval. People are also interested in the lives of famous people: what they do, how they look and who their friends are. Health and sex are other topics of interest. In sex-related stories, the majority of society is interested in any behaviour that goes outside the norms of accepted public behaviour. This is why sex stories often make the news. Other types of health related stories include traditional remedies, medical research, hospitals and clinics. Similarly, diet and exercise are of great interest to most.