Healthy Habits and a Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy is about eating a balanced diet, being physically active, getting enough sleep and staying socially connected. These healthy habits help to improve your mental and physical well-being and can protect you from illness.

Eating a healthy diet means choosing nutrient-rich foods that are low in saturated fat and added sugars, and moderate in salt and total fat. It includes a range of foods from all the food groups – including whole grains, fruit and vegetables, dairy and lean meats. It also includes drinks that are low in energy – such as water, low-fat milk, tea and coffee.

The healthiest diet is low in sodium (salt) and sugar, and contains plenty of fibre and protein. It is high in vegetables, whole fruits and fish; a little bit of red meat, poultry and eggs; and a variety of beverages like water, low-fat milk, black tea and coffee. It is also low in energy-dense foods – such as cakes, pastries, cookies and potato chips.

It’s important to eat at regular intervals throughout the day, and take time to enjoy meals. It can be easy to eat on the go, or eat while watching TV or working on the computer, but taking the time to eat more mindfully can help you control your portion sizes and avoid mindless overeating. Try to eat with others whenever possible to make it easier to slow down and focus on your food.

Physical activity is key to a healthy lifestyle, but it’s not always easy to fit it into our busy lives. It’s best to aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week, and break it up into smaller sessions if necessary. Exercise can improve your mood, boost your immune system and strengthen your heart and bones.

A healthy lifestyle is also about avoiding harmful habits such as smoking and excess alcohol. It’s important to talk to a doctor or nurse for advice if you need it, and to discuss any medications that you may be taking, as some can have side effects that influence your ability to live a healthy lifestyle.

Trying to change unhealthy habits can be difficult, and it’s normal to have setbacks from time to time. However, the best way to get back on track is to find a support network of people who will help you keep motivated and accountable. This could be a friend or family member, a support group, a health professional or a virtual health coach. Having someone to lean on can make all the difference when you’re feeling overwhelmed.