Sources of Business News

Business news is a segment of journalism that tracks, records, analyzes and interprets the business, economic and financial activities and changes that take place in societies. Its scope is widely covered and includes topics such as banking, insurance, investment and entrepreneurship. It is usually presented in a news or feature format and may appear in newspapers, magazines, radio and television channels dedicated to business and finance news.

Meaning of Business

A business is an organization that produces and sells goods or services for profit, with the aim of making a return on investment (ROI) for the owners. It can be a for-profit corporation, a not-for-profit organisation or any other entity that generates income.

Typical businesses include retailers, manufacturing companies, financial institutions and many others. Some businesses focus on specific products or industries and some are global organizations.

The most comprehensive sources of business news are available online and in print. These resources cover the latest news, trends and developments in every industry spanning across North America.

Regional Business News is a free resource that provides full-text regional business publications covering United States and Canadian provinces. Its search tools allow you to find business news by region and topic.

Content Marketing Specialist

A content marketing specialist at Business News Daily, Katelyn Andrews has written and edited thousands of pieces of small business content for the website and her clients. Her knowledge of small business operations, as well as her experience in search engine optimization and writing, helps her create articles that meet the needs of business owners and decision makers.

Data Analyst

Having worked in product management and technology consulting, Kevin Hoe knows how to collaborate effectively to empower colleagues with actionable data. At Business News Daily, he helps his teammates navigate data to better understand their business, and to make faster decisions with the help of self-service dashboards and a robust data pipeline.

Senior UI/UX Designer

At Business News Daily, he oversees branding, product interface ideation, design and iteration. He also manages production efficiencies to ensure high-quality work is produced on time and on budget. With over 20 years of design experience, he has helped create digital experiences for the likes of Verizon, TripAdvisor and J.Jill, among other clients.