A daily news is a newspaper published every day, including Saturdays and Sundays, covering a wide range of subjects such as world events, sports, entertainment and other local information. Traditionally, newspapers are published in paper format, but some are also available online in a variety of formats. Most daily newspapers have several departments, including editorial, production/printing, circulation and advertising.
Most daily news is written by professional journalists, but some are produced by non-journalists. The person who oversees all aspects of the newspaper is known as the publisher. Depending on the size of the publication, the publisher may be part of the management team or an executive officer of the corporation that owns the newspaper. Larger newspapers also have other non-newspaper-specific departments, such as accounting, human resources and finance.
While most daily news is aimed at a broad spectrum of readers, there are some that serve more specific groups such as business people in certain cities or sports fans within a region. Weekly newspapers are also common and often have a magazine-like format.
A typical daily newspaper contains news articles and features on politics, government and businesses; crime, weather and natural disasters; science, technology and computers; and other issues of general interest. In addition, the newspaper may contain feature articles on a particular topic of interest such as food and cooking, society, fashion and clothing, or home and garden.
The most well-known and popular daily newspaper in the United States is the New York Daily News, founded in 1919 by Joseph Medill Patterson as the Illustrated Daily News. The newspaper is distributed throughout the metropolitan area of New York City, and has a readership that extends beyond the city. The newspaper has a high level of public accessibility, traditionally through distribution at newspaper stands and shops, and since the 1990s through the Internet with online newspapers.
In addition to a wide array of regular news articles, the Daily News offers extensive celebrity gossip, classified ads and a comics section. Its editorial stance has varied over time, from being a staunchly Republican publication in the 1940s through 1960s to embracing conservative populism in the 1970s and 1980s. In the 1990s, the newspaper became moderately liberal.
In the era of mass communications, the popularity of daily news was supported by the development of printing presses that allowed more newspapers to be printed and distributed faster than previously. The success of the daily news was also aided by the rise of television and radio, which could carry breaking news stories almost instantaneously.
Today, many newspapers are available in print and on the Internet, though some have stopped publishing entirely or have switched to online only editions. As a result of the increased availability of digital media, traditional newspapers have seen their readership decline, which has contributed to the financial difficulties of some publications. A measure of a newspaper’s health is its market penetration, which is the percentage of households that receive it in a given area.